Proceedings of the British Empire Senate Session: The Tumara Island Conflict and Ceasefire Debate

Sir William Huxley (Senator of Island of Huxley): “Esteemed colleagues, the sacrifices made by our valiant Navy have been immense, and the loss of each ship and crew member weighs heavily on our hearts. While the ceasefire offer from the Finnish ambassador presents a pivot point in this conflict, we must reflect deeply on the objectives of our campaign. Trodoc’s stipulation for the surrender of Juupajoki is a justified demand, honoring the sacrifices of our Navy and aligning with our commitment to the Median people. However, we must also weigh the broader implications of our next steps on the stability of the region and the safety of our forces.”

Lord Edward Barrington (Senator of Barrington Isle): “The valor and sacrifice of our Navy in the face of adversity is a testament to the British Empire’s resolve. A ceasefire could be an opportunity to consolidate our position and honor the memory of those who have fallen. However, accepting a ceasefire without concrete gains, particularly the transfer of Juupajoki and ideally all Median cities to their rightful custodians, might undermine the very objective of our campaign and the sacrifice of our fleet. Our stance should be firm yet open to diplomatic resolutions that align with our strategic interests and moral commitments.”

Dr. Alexander Montague (Senator of Montague’s Haven): “Our economy and the well-being of our people have been under strain due to this prolonged conflict. While we must honor our commitments and the sacrifices made, a ceasefire could provide a much-needed respite and a platform for negotiation. The transfer of Juupajoki, as proposed by Trodoc, is a minimum condition that would justify the ceasefire, serving as a tangible achievement in our campaign and a step towards a more comprehensive resolution.”

Lady Catherine Harrow (Senator of Harrow’s Refuge): “The toll of this conflict on human lives and the fabric of society cannot be overlooked. A ceasefire would halt further loss and suffering, providing space for healing and diplomacy. However, it must not be a mere pause in hostilities but a step towards a lasting peace. The conditions set by Trodoc ensure that our pursuit of justice for the Median people does not end in vain. The surrender of cities, especially Juupajoki, is essential to uphold the moral and ethical standards we stand for.”

Reverend Thomas Fielding (Senator of Fielding’s Frontier): “In these trying times, our resolve and principles are tested. The call for a ceasefire is a beacon of hope, but it must lead us towards a future where peace and justice prevail. The sacrifices of our brave service members must pave the way for a settlement that reflects our commitment to the Median people and the stability of the region. Trodoc’s terms for the ceasefire, centered around the transfer of Juupajoki and potentially other cities, align with our vision of a just and honorable resolution.”

Vote on the Ceasefire Debate: The Senate must now vote on whether to accept the ceasefire under the conditions proposed by Trodoc: the surrender of Juupajoki to the Median people as an immediate requirement, and the potential for a broader peace agreement involving the transfer of all Median cities from Finland to the Median people, leading to the full membership of Median in the British Empire.

Conclusion: The Senate, after profound deliberation, recognizes the complexity of the situation and the weight of the decisions at hand. The outcome of this vote will significantly influence the future course of the conflict, the fate of the Median people, and the role of the British Empire in shaping the destiny of the region. The commitment to our values, the honor of our fallen, and the pursuit of a lasting peace remain the guiding principles in this crucial juncture.

The Senate’s decision on the ceasefire and the proposed terms will be determined by the vote.

British Empire Senate Session – Ceasefire Vote on the Tumara Island Conflict

Sir William Huxley (Senator of Island of Huxley): “I cast my vote in favor of the ceasefire, contingent upon the surrender of Juupajoki to the Median people. Our Navy’s sacrifices must not be in vain, and this action will honor their bravery while providing a tangible achievement towards our campaign’s objectives.”

Lord Edward Barrington (Senator of Barrington Isle): “My vote is for the ceasefire, provided it includes the firm condition of Juupajoki’s surrender and opens the path for the transfer of all Median cities. This approach will balance our strategic objectives with the moral and ethical standards we uphold.”

Dr. Alexander Montague (Senator of Montague’s Haven): “I vote in favor of the ceasefire. The surrender of Juupajoki as a minimum condition aligns with our campaign’s goals and offers a significant step towards a broader, more comprehensive resolution, benefiting our economy and societal well-being.”

Lady Catherine Harrow (Senator of Harrow’s Refuge): “My vote is in favor of the ceasefire, under the strict conditions set forth by Trodoc. The surrender of Juupajoki and potentially other cities is crucial to ensuring our pursuit of justice and lasting peace for the Median people.”

Reverend Thomas Fielding (Senator of Fielding’s Frontier): “I cast my vote in favor of the ceasefire, with the understanding that it is a step towards a future of peace and justice. The terms set by Trodoc, particularly the surrender of Juupajoki, reflect our commitment to the Median people and the region’s stability.”

Result of the Vote: The British Empire Senate, after profound deliberation and consideration of the sacrifices made, the strategic objectives, and the moral and ethical implications, has voted unanimously in favor of accepting the ceasefire, contingent upon the immediate surrender of Juupajoki to the Median people and the potential for a broader peace agreement involving the transfer of all Median cities from Finland to the Median people, leading to the full membership of Median in the British Empire.

Conclusion: The Senate’s decision reflects a commitment to honor the sacrifices of the British Navy, uphold the principles of justice and peace, and pursue a resolution that aligns with the strategic objectives and moral standards of the British Empire. The path forward will be shaped by diplomatic efforts, continued vigilance, and a steadfast commitment to securing a lasting peace and a just outcome for the Median people and the broader region.

Valour at Sea: British Naval Command Upholds Peace and Sovereignty Amidst Tensions

In recent operations, the British Naval Command has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to regional stability and the protection of civilians amidst escalating tensions. Despite our earnest efforts to resolve the conflict through diplomacy, we have been compelled to take decisive action to safeguard the interests of the British Empire and the Median people.

Our naval forces, renowned for their valor and strategic prowess, have once again proven their mettle. The destroyer Hector, along with the Prince Consort, Royal Alfred, and Black Prince, have been recognized for their exemplary performance in critical engagements, earning well-deserved promotions. These successes, however, do not overshadow our steadfast commitment to minimizing conflict and ensuring civilian safety.

In a notable demonstration of this commitment, our ground troops successfully executed a non-military operation aimed at securing the safety of civilian workers near conflict zones. This operation, carried out with utmost precision and care, reflects our dedication to preserving life and maintaining ethical conduct even in the face of adversity.

While we continue to seek a peaceful resolution and remain open to diplomatic dialogue, the British Naval Command is prepared to take all necessary measures to protect our sovereignty and the well-being of those under our guardianship. We stand resolute in our mission to foster peace and stability in the region, upholding the principles of justice and humanity that define the British Empire.

Strategic Balance in Savonlinna: Military Precision and Diplomatic Finesse in the British Naval Command’s Operations

The strategic maneuvers around Savonlinna reflect a complex game of military and diplomatic chess. Our ground troops, led by the Steel Vanguard, have demonstrated precision and control in the capture of the Finnish worker unit. This move, tactically orchestrated by the British Naval Command, serves as a catalyst for initiating dialogue with the Finnish-Angolan coalition.

The positioning of our forces, especially the ground troop Iron Viper, near Savonlinna, is a calculated decision. It signals our readiness to engage but also our preference for a peaceful resolution. We aim to nudge the Finnish-Angolan coalition towards a diplomatic table, indicating our readiness for conversation rather than conflict.

Our naval fleet, arrayed in a defensive posture, is an embodiment of our strategic patience. We anticipate that if the Finnish-Angolan troops initiate an attack, it would validate our defensive stance and clarify their refusal to pursue a diplomatic solution. Such a development would unambiguously lay the responsibility for war at their doorstep.

It’s important to note that our operation near Savonlinna was conducted with a clear mandate to avoid casualties. This approach underlines our commitment to minimize conflict and prioritize dialogue. Nonetheless, we remain vigilant and prepared for any eventuality, including a potential attack on our ground troops. Such an aggression, if it occurs, would provide a strategic advantage to our fleet, facilitating a more assertive response.

Our naval commanders are also working to outmaneuver the enemy fleet. The goal is to create a tactical divide, drawing some of their ships northward while leaving others to the south. This would potentially weaken their overall defensive posture, providing us with tactical advantages.

Moreover, our troop placements hint at the possibility of imminent offensives towards Juupajoki or Savonlinna. This strategic ambiguity keeps our adversaries on edge, unsure of our next move, and potentially more inclined towards seeking a peaceful resolution.

In summary, the British Naval Command’s operations near Savonlinna are a blend of military prudence and diplomatic signaling. We remain committed to avoiding unnecessary conflict while preparing for all possible outcomes. The ongoing situation is fluid, and we will continue to adapt our strategies to safeguard our interests and promote a peaceful resolution to the standoff.

British Naval Command Report: Strategic Analysis of Finnish-Angolan Fleet Movements

Executive Summary:

The recent repositioning of Finnish-Angolan naval forces presents a complex strategic scenario. The British Naval Command has closely monitored these movements, analyzing their potential implications for our current operations around Tumara Island, also known as Median’s Island. The strategic placement of our vessels and the observed enemy maneuvers indicate a heightened state of readiness on both sides. This report outlines the changes in enemy positions and provides an analysis of the tactical situation.

Enemy Fleet Movements:

  1. Southern Sector:
    • The enemy presence remains consistent with one destroyer (v1) and one ironclad (v1) positioned between our four destroyers: Royal Alfred (v3), Prince Consort (v3), Hampton Court (v1), and Orford (v1). This formation suggests a defensive posture from the enemy, possibly aiming to deter our fleet’s southward advance.
  2. Central Sector:
    • A new enemy destroyer (v1) is approaching from the west, positioning itself between our destroyers Royal Alfred (v3) and Edgar (v1). This could indicate a probing maneuver or an attempt to reinforce their central line.
    • The presence of one ironclad (v1) south of Edgar remains unchanged, but two other ironclads (v1) have vacated their previous positions, moving northward. This shift could signal a reorganization of their fleet or preparation for a northern offensive.
  3. Northern Sector:
    • Our destroyer Warrior (v1) has observed the two relocated ironclads positioning themselves south of its location. This movement, coupled with the stationary ironclads and the transport in the vicinity, suggests a concentration of forces in the northern sector, possibly to counter our naval presence or prepare for an incursion into our waters.
    • The positioning of our destroyers Black Prince (v3), Deep Ocean (v1), and Lord Clyde (v1) provides a robust defensive line, capable of repelling enemy advances and securing the waters around Tumara Island.

Strategic Analysis:

  1. Containment and Response:
    • The enemy fleet’s repositioning, particularly in the northern sector, requires us to maintain a vigilant containment strategy. Our superior vessels, especially the veteran destroyers, should be prepared to engage if the enemy initiates hostilities. The presence of enemy transports and lighter vessels like the square-rigged caravel indicates potential for troop movement or supply transport, necessitating close surveillance.
  2. Tactical Flexibility:
    • The dynamic nature of enemy fleet movements calls for tactical flexibility in our response. Our destroyers, especially those positioned near strategic locations like Patigrabana, Rypuskalitsy, Juupajoki, and Savonlinna, should remain ready to adapt to changing scenarios, whether for offensive strikes or bolstering our defenses.
  3. Diplomatic Considerations:
    • While our naval strength is a critical factor, the broader context of diplomatic relations and the Senate’s directives must guide our actions. Any military engagement should align with our strategic objectives and the Senate’s resolution to prioritize a peaceful resolution while preparing for defensive actions if necessary.
  4. Intelligence and Reconnaissance:
    • Continuous intelligence gathering and reconnaissance are paramount. Understanding the enemy’s intentions, fleet composition, and potential vulnerabilities will inform our tactical decisions and allow us to anticipate their moves effectively.


The British Naval Command acknowledges the fluid and potentially volatile situation around Tumara Island. The recent enemy fleet movements warrant a cautious yet assertive stance, balancing our readiness to defend our interests with the overarching goal of achieving a peaceful resolution in line with the Senate’s directives. We remain committed to safeguarding the British Empire’s interests and upholding our commitments to our allies, including the Median people. Our fleet will continue to monitor the situation closely, ready to respond to any developments in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Empire.

British Naval Command Mission Plan: Engagement of Enemy Fleet

Mission Objective:

To engage and neutralize the Finnish-Angolan naval forces in the vicinity of Tumara Island while minimizing losses to the British fleet and maintaining the option for a strategic retreat if necessary.

Strategic Overview:

The enemy fleet, comprising destroyers, ironclads, and support vessels, presents a significant threat. However, the tactical superiority of our v3 destroyers provides us with a decisive advantage in direct confrontations. The mission will focus on leveraging this advantage while safeguarding our transport vessels and maintaining the flexibility to adapt to the dynamic combat environment.

Phase 1: Initial Engagement and Fleet Formation

  1. Royal Alfred (v3) and Prince Consort (v3) will lead the assault against the enemy v1 destroyers, capitalizing on their superior combat capabilities. Their primary objective is to neutralize the enemy destroyers, starting with the one approaching from the west between Royal Alfred and Edgar.
  2. Warrior (v1), Black Prince (v3), Deep Ocean (v1), and Lord Clyde (v1) will form a defensive perimeter in the northern sector, focusing on the enemy ironclads. Black Prince, with its higher combat efficiency, will lead the offensive, supported by the other vessels. The goal is to disrupt the enemy formation and diminish their combat effectiveness.
  3. Hampton Court (v1) and Orford (v1) will hold positions in the southern sector, providing support where necessary and engaging enemy ironclads if they venture within range. They will act as a secondary line of defense and a reserve force for counter-attacks.

Phase 2: Protection of Transports and Maintaining Tactical Flexibility

  1. Valiant, Enterprise, and Sovereign Voyager (all v1 transports) will retreat to a safe distance from the combat zone, preferably behind the defensive line formed by our destroyers. Their protection is paramount, as they are crucial for potential ground operations and troop movements.
  2. The destroyers will maintain a flexible formation, ready to pivot towards emerging threats or to exploit weaknesses in the enemy’s line. If an enemy destroyer or ironclad breaks through our lines, nearby destroyers will converge to neutralize the threat.

Phase 3: Exploitation and Tactical Withdrawal

  1. After the initial engagement, our fleet will assess the battlefield situation. If the enemy is significantly weakened, we will press the advantage, targeting their transports and remaining vessels with our v3 destroyers, ensuring the dominance of British naval forces in the area.
  2. If our forces encounter unexpected resistance or suffer substantial losses, a tactical withdrawal will be executed. The aim is to preserve our naval strength and re-engage at a more advantageous time, potentially with reinforcements.
  3. Throughout the engagement, the fleet will prioritize communication and coordination, ensuring that each vessel operates in concert with the others, supporting and reinforcing the collective combat effort.


This mission plan aims to assert our naval dominance, protect our strategic assets, and offer a clear path to victory or a strategic retreat if necessary. The British Naval Command is committed to executing this operation with precision, ensuring the safety of our forces, and maintaining our position as a formidable naval power in the waters around Tumara Island.

British Naval Command Report: Operation Tumara Resolve

Mission Progress:

  1. Operation Worker Safety: Musketeer unit Iron Viper successfully captured the Finnish worker near Savonlinna and relocated them out of the conflict zone, ensuring civilian safety in line with our ethical warfare principles.
  2. Northern Engagement:
    • Destroyer Hector (v1) engaged and defeated a Finnish pikemen (v1) near Espoo, promoting to v2.
    • Continuing its offensive, Hector (v2) successfully destroyed a Finnish Square Rigged Caravel (v0), achieving v3 status, demonstrating exceptional combat prowess.
  3. Main Engagement Zone – Near Patigrabana:
    • Destroyer Prince Consort (v3) successfully engaged and destroyed an Angolan destroyer (v1). Sustained damage, requiring support.
    • Destroyer Northumberland (v1) repositioned to support the damaged Prince Consort (v3).
  4. Central Maritime Theatre:
    • Destroyer Royal Alfred (v3) engaged and destroyed an Angolan destroyer (v1), elevating to hardened 1.
    • Destroyer Edgar (v1) moved to support the damaged Royal Alfred (hardened 1).
  5. Northern Defensive Line:
    • Destroyer Black Prince (v3) successfully engaged and destroyed a Finnish ironclad (v1).
    • Destroyer Lord Clyde (v1) repositioned to support the damaged Black Prince (v3).
  6. Other Engagements:
    • Destroyer Warrior (v1) successfully engaged and destroyed an Angolan transport (v1), promoting to v2.
    • Destroyer Hampton Court moved to support the damaged Warrior (v2).
    • Destroyer Victory (v1) successfully engaged and destroyed a Finnish Square-Rigged Caravel (v1), promoting to v2.

Combat Log:

  • Successful engagements and promotions for Hector, Prince Consort, Royal Alfred, Black Prince, Warrior, and Victory.
  • Strategic repositioning of Northumberland, Edgar, Lord Clyde, and Hampton Court to support damaged units.

Remaining Enemy Fleet:

  • 4x Angolan ironclads (v1)
  • 2x Finnish ironclads (v1)

Remaining British Fleet in the Area:

  • Destroyers Caledonia (v1) and Grafton (v1) ready to engage Angolan ironclad (v1).
  • Destroyer Orford (v1) ready to engage Angolan ironclad (v1) but lacks immediate support.

British Naval Reserve:

  • Destroyers Resolution (v1), Yarmouth (v1), HMS Tempest Fury (v0), HMS Valiant Guardian (v0) ready for deployment.
  • Lightly damaged destroyer Victory (v2) available for limited engagement.

Strategic Analysis:

The British Naval Command’s operation has been executed with precision, resulting in significant tactical gains and the successful promotion of several units. The engagement strategy has effectively reduced the enemy’s naval presence while maintaining a strong defensive posture.

The combat effectiveness of our destroyers, especially at higher veteran levels, has been proven, with a high success rate against enemy destroyers and ironclads. The strategic support and repositioning of our units highlight the Naval Command’s commitment to minimizing casualties and maintaining a robust fighting force.

Looking ahead, the remaining enemy fleet poses a threat but is manageable with our current naval strength and strategic positioning. The reserve fleet stands ready to reinforce the front lines or engage in new theatres as required.

The Naval Command will continue to monitor the situation closely, ready to adapt our strategy to the evolving dynamics of the conflict. Our commitment to securing Tumara Island and protecting the Median people remains unwavering, and we will take all necessary actions to ensure a favorable outcome for the British Empire.

The British Naval Command executed a precise military operation against the Finnish-Angolan coalition, achieving significant tactical successes without incurring major losses. Our elite units, including the Steel Vanguard and Iron Viper, conducted operations with the utmost professionalism, ensuring civilian safety and minimizing conflict.

In a decisive naval engagement, our veteran destroyers, led by the Hector, Prince Consort, Royal Alfred, and Black Prince, demonstrated superior combat capabilities by neutralizing key enemy vessels. Support vessels, including the Edgar, Northumberland, and Lord Clyde, provided essential backup, showcasing the strength and coordination of our fleet.

The operation has significantly diminished the enemy’s naval presence in the area, enhancing the security of Tumara Island and asserting our commitment to the Median people. The British Naval Command remains vigilant and prepared to respond to any further developments, reaffirming our dedication to peace and stability in the region.

The British Navy transport Sovereign Voyager (v1) has successfully completed a strategic deployment operation near the city of Juupajoki. The operation resulted in the precise and coordinated placement of vital ground forces, including 4 units of riflemen and 4 units of cannons, in a key position to reinforce our military presence in the area. Simultaneously, our specialized ground troops have skillfully maneuvered to the vicinity of Juupajoki from the east, showcasing the adeptness and preparedness of our forces. This operation marks a significant enhancement of our tactical capabilities in the region and exemplifies the British Navy’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability through strategic presence and readiness.

The British Naval Command executed precision operations against the Finnish-Angolan coalition, securing strategic victories and minimizing conflict. Key enemy vessels were neutralized by our veteran destroyers, demonstrating our commitment to peace and stability in the region. Additionally, strategic ground forces were deployed near Juupajoki, enhancing our military presence and readiness. The British Empire remains vigilant, prioritizing the safety and prosperity of the Median people and the broader region.

Here is full British Navy destroyer listing:

– Destroyer Victory (v2), lightly damaged
– Destroyer Warrior (v2), badly damaged
– Destroyer Hampton Court (v1), supporting Warrior
– Destroyer Royal Alfred (hardened 1), badly damaged
– Destroyer Edgar, supporting Royal Alfred
– Destroyer Grafton (v1), badly damaged
– Destroyer HMS Valiant Guard (v0)
– Destroyer Orford (v2), badly damaged
– Destroyer Prince Consort (v3), badly damaged
– Destroyer Resolution (v1)
– Destroyer Northumberland (v1), supporting Prince Consort
– Destroyer HMS Tempest Fury (v0), supporting Prince Consort
– Destroyer Yarmouth (v1), southeast near Portsmouth
– Destroyer Minotaur (v1), south near Newcastle upon Tyne
– Destroyer HMS Sovereign Tide (v0), south near Newcastle upon Tyne
– Destroyer Zealous (v1), southeast from Scapa (guarding southeast side of the Empire)
– Destroyer Pallas (v1), south of Calgary (guarding south side of the Empire)
– Destroyer Penelope (v1) north of Aiberdeen (guarding north side of the Empire)
– Destroyer Hector (v3), medium damabed, north of Espoo

The following British Navy destroyers were lost in action:

  1. Black Prince (v3) – Mentioned in the mission report as successfully engaging and destroying a Finnish ironclad (v1). It was repositioned to support the damaged Black Prince (v3).
  2. Deep Ocean (v1) – Mentioned in the strategic analysis of the Finnish-Angolan fleet movements as part of the defensive line providing a robust defense around Tumara Island.
  3. Lord Clyde (v1) – Mentioned in the mission report as repositioning to support the damaged Black Prince (v3).
  4. Caledonia

Proceedings of the British Empire Senate Session: The Tumara Island Conflict and Ceasefire Debate

Sir William Huxley (Senator of Island of Huxley): “Esteemed colleagues, the sacrifices made by our valiant Navy have been immense, and the loss of each ship and crew member weighs heavily on our hearts. While the ceasefire offer from the Finnish ambassador presents a pivot point in this conflict, we must reflect deeply on the objectives of our campaign. Trodoc’s stipulation for the surrender of Juupajoki is a justified demand, honoring the sacrifices of our Navy and aligning with our commitment to the Median people. However, we must also weigh the broader implications of our next steps on the stability of the region and the safety of our forces.”

Lord Edward Barrington (Senator of Barrington Isle): “The valor and sacrifice of our Navy in the face of adversity is a testament to the British Empire’s resolve. A ceasefire could be an opportunity to consolidate our position and honor the memory of those who have fallen. However, accepting a ceasefire without concrete gains, particularly the transfer of Juupajoki and ideally all Median cities to their rightful custodians, might undermine the very objective of our campaign and the sacrifice of our fleet. Our stance should be firm yet open to diplomatic resolutions that align with our strategic interests and moral commitments.”

Dr. Alexander Montague (Senator of Montague’s Haven): “Our economy and the well-being of our people have been under strain due to this prolonged conflict. While we must honor our commitments and the sacrifices made, a ceasefire could provide a much-needed respite and a platform for negotiation. The transfer of Juupajoki, as proposed by Trodoc, is a minimum condition that would justify the ceasefire, serving as a tangible achievement in our campaign and a step towards a more comprehensive resolution.”

Lady Catherine Harrow (Senator of Harrow’s Refuge): “The toll of this conflict on human lives and the fabric of society cannot be overlooked. A ceasefire would halt further loss and suffering, providing space for healing and diplomacy. However, it must not be a mere pause in hostilities but a step towards a lasting peace. The conditions set by Trodoc ensure that our pursuit of justice for the Median people does not end in vain. The surrender of cities, especially Juupajoki, is essential to uphold the moral and ethical standards we stand for.”

Reverend Thomas Fielding (Senator of Fielding’s Frontier): “In these trying times, our resolve and principles are tested. The call for a ceasefire is a beacon of hope, but it must lead us towards a future where peace and justice prevail. The sacrifices of our brave service members must pave the way for a settlement that reflects our commitment to the Median people and the stability of the region. Trodoc’s terms for the ceasefire, centered around the transfer of Juupajoki and potentially other cities, align with our vision of a just and honorable resolution.”

Vote on the Ceasefire Debate: The Senate must now vote on whether to accept the ceasefire under the conditions proposed by Trodoc: the surrender of Juupajoki to the Median people as an immediate requirement, and the potential for a broader peace agreement involving the transfer of all Median cities from Finland to the Median people, leading to the full membership of Median in the British Empire.

Conclusion: The Senate, after profound deliberation, recognizes the complexity of the situation and the weight of the decisions at hand. The outcome of this vote will significantly influence the future course of the conflict, the fate of the Median people, and the role of the British Empire in shaping the destiny of the region. The commitment to our values, the honor of our fallen, and the pursuit of a lasting peace remain the guiding principles in this crucial juncture.

The Senate’s decision on the ceasefire and the proposed terms will be determined by the vote.

British Empire Senate Session – Ceasefire Vote on the Tumara Island Conflict

Sir William Huxley (Senator of Island of Huxley): “I cast my vote in favor of the ceasefire, contingent upon the surrender of Juupajoki to the Median people. Our Navy’s sacrifices must not be in vain, and this action will honor their bravery while providing a tangible achievement towards our campaign’s objectives.”

Lord Edward Barrington (Senator of Barrington Isle): “My vote is for the ceasefire, provided it includes the firm condition of Juupajoki’s surrender and opens the path for the transfer of all Median cities. This approach will balance our strategic objectives with the moral and ethical standards we uphold.”

Dr. Alexander Montague (Senator of Montague’s Haven): “I vote in favor of the ceasefire. The surrender of Juupajoki as a minimum condition aligns with our campaign’s goals and offers a significant step towards a broader, more comprehensive resolution, benefiting our economy and societal well-being.”

Lady Catherine Harrow (Senator of Harrow’s Refuge): “My vote is in favor of the ceasefire, under the strict conditions set forth by Trodoc. The surrender of Juupajoki and potentially other cities is crucial to ensuring our pursuit of justice and lasting peace for the Median people.”

Reverend Thomas Fielding (Senator of Fielding’s Frontier): “I cast my vote in favor of the ceasefire, with the understanding that it is a step towards a future of peace and justice. The terms set by Trodoc, particularly the surrender of Juupajoki, reflect our commitment to the Median people and the region’s stability.”

Result of the Vote: The British Empire Senate, after profound deliberation and consideration of the sacrifices made, the strategic objectives, and the moral and ethical implications, has voted unanimously in favor of accepting the ceasefire, contingent upon the immediate surrender of Juupajoki to the Median people and the potential for a broader peace agreement involving the transfer of all Median cities from Finland to the Median people, leading to the full membership of Median in the British Empire.

Conclusion: The Senate’s decision reflects a commitment to honor the sacrifices of the British Navy, uphold the principles of justice and peace, and pursue a resolution that aligns with the strategic objectives and moral standards of the British Empire. The path forward will be shaped by diplomatic efforts, continued vigilance, and a steadfast commitment to securing a lasting peace and a just outcome for the Median people and the broader region.

The successful conquest of Juupajoki by the British Navy marks a significant milestone in the conflict. The strategic use of artillery, as exemplified by the Cannons, and the effective deployment of a Diplomat unit, showcases the combined military and diplomatic prowess of the British forces.

The detailed combat logs indicate a fierce battle, with the British Cannons engaging the Finnish Musketeers. Despite initial resistance from the defending forces, the British units demonstrated their superiority by overcoming the defenders and securing the city. The promotion of one of the Cannons to the rank of veteran 1 (150%) reflects the unit’s combat effectiveness and experience gained during the engagement.

The acquisition of 63 gold as loot further adds to the strategic gains of this operation, providing valuable resources to support ongoing military and logistical efforts.

The utilization of a Diplomat unit in conjunction with the military operation illustrates a multifaceted approach, combining force with strategic negotiation or influence to achieve the desired outcome. The successful capture of Juupajoki not only signifies a tactical victory but also potentially alters the dynamics of the conflict, opening new avenues for diplomatic discourse and negotiation.

This victory is a testament to the strategic planning and execution capabilities of the British Navy, reinforcing its position and objectives in the region. The aftermath of this conquest will likely play a crucial role in shaping future military and diplomatic strategies, as well as the overall direction of the conflict.

Proceedings of the British Empire Senate Session: The Tumara Island Crisis

Sir William Huxley (Senator of Island of Huxley):
“Ladies and gentlemen, the situation with Tumara Island demands our immediate attention. The Finnish occupation of Median cities on the island poses a significant challenge to our commitment to restore the island to its rightful custodians, the Median people. While we prefer a peaceful resolution, we must be prepared for all eventualities. I propose we authorize Naval Command to intervene militarily should diplomatic efforts fail.”

Lord Edward Barrington (Senator of Barrington Isle):
“I echo Sir Huxley’s sentiments. Our naval strength is considerable, and while I prefer diplomatic channels, we must be ready to show our military might if necessary. The Finnish-Angolan naval presence near our waters is a direct challenge to our authority and intention to secure Tumara Island. I vote in favor of granting Naval Command the authority to engage, should peaceful negotiations reach an impasse.”

Dr. Alexander Montague (Senator of Montague’s Haven):
“Our economic stability and growth are paramount. A conflict, while not desirable, may be inevitable. If it comes to war, it must be swift and decisive to minimize economic disruption. I support the motion to authorize military action but urge that we exhaust all diplomatic avenues first. It’s vital to maintain our image as a nation that seeks peace and cooperation.”

Lady Catherine Harrow (Senator of Harrow’s Refuge):
“I am deeply concerned about the potential loss of life and the humanitarian impact of a military conflict. Our first and foremost duty is to seek a peaceful resolution. However, if all peaceful means are exhausted and our moral obligation to the Median people compels us, then, and only then, should we consider military action. I vote yes, but with a heavy heart, prioritizing peace and the welfare of the Median people.”

Reverend Thomas Fielding (Senator of Fielding’s Frontier):
“This is a moral dilemma. On one hand, we have our commitment to the Median people, and on the other, the prospect of war. Our faith and ethics guide us to seek peace, but also to stand firm against injustice. I reluctantly agree that if peaceful negotiations fail, we must be prepared to act. However, our actions must be measured, just, and always with the aim of quickly returning to peace.”

Vote on Issue 1: Future of Finnish Occupied Cities on Median Island
Result: Authorization Granted for British Naval Command to intervene if peaceful transfer of cities to Median people is not achieved.

Vote on Issue 2: Engagement of Finnish-Angolan Naval Presence
Result: Conditional Authorization Granted for British Naval Command to engage the Finnish-Angolan fleet if no peaceful resolution is found regarding the Median island situation, with a strong preference for a diplomatic solution.

The Senate, after thoughtful deliberation, has decided to support the proposals, albeit with an emphasis on prioritizing diplomatic solutions to avoid conflict. The resolutions passed reflect the Empire’s commitment to its allies and its readiness to protect its interests, while upholding its values of peace and justice.

Dispatch from Galleon Research – Korean Territory Exploration and Diplomatic Outreach

To: The Honorable Senate of the British Empire

Esteemed Members of the Senate,

I write to you from aboard the Galleon Research, currently navigating the waters off the coast of Korea, under the leadership of Leader Blue. Our journey, albeit delayed due to unforeseen repairs, has been fruitful in establishing initial contact and observing the Korean territories.

Upon our arrival, we encountered an English vessel, signaling the presence of our allies in these waters. Our visit to the city of Kwangju marked our first direct interaction with the Korean people. The city, bustling and sizeable at 21, boasts a robust coastal defense, indicative of their maritime capabilities. Its location on resource-rich grasslands ensures a prosperous shield and food production.

Further observations revealed Musketeers stationed in a fortress strategically positioned between Kwangju and Hamhung. The latter, a city of size 16, shares similar geographical advantages with Kwangju, being situated on fertile plains. To the southeast, rumors of another significant settlement, Wiryesong, reached our ears. Described as a city rich in resources such as buffalo, it mirrors the productive capacity of its neighboring cities.

The land between these urban centers is marked by hills abundant in mines and vineyards, painting a picture of a region thriving on both agriculture and mineral wealth. The surrounding waters, dotted with fishermen and the occasional whale, speak of a maritime culture deeply intertwined with the sea.

Our next step involves initiating dialogue for map sharing between Korean and English nations, a move aimed at fostering greater understanding and potentially opening avenues for collaboration. This diplomatic endeavor aligns with our mission to explore, connect, and establish peaceful relations with nations beyond our immediate sphere.

Following this, the Research will continue its mission towards the northeast, where uncharted territories await. Rumors suggest the existence of an island, possibly untouched by modern civilization, offering a unique opportunity for discovery and potential expansion of the British Empire’s influence.

Rest assured, the Galleon Research remains steadfast in its commitment to the Empire’s diplomatic and exploratory objectives. We will continue to navigate these foreign waters with the utmost diligence and report our findings to the Senate.

Edward Hawthorne,
Captain of the Galleon Research

Current Status Update (T96)


This briefing provides an up-to-date analysis of the geopolitical situation, technological advancements, and military status pertinent to the British Empire’s interests and security.

Geopolitical Landscape:

  1. Diplomatic Relations:
    • Venezuela: Our recent contact with Venezuelan ruler Blorb is positive. An armistice is in place, transitioning to a peace treaty. Diplomatic overtures, including map and embassy exchanges, have been well-received. Continued engagement is recommended.
    • Karelian Empire: A potential flashpoint near our borders has been identified with the presence of a Karelian Destroyer. Diplomatic communication initiated to de-escalate and maintain peace. Close monitoring advised.
    • Median Empire: Proposal for Tumara Island under discussion. Aiming for a cooperative approach to ensure mutual prosperity and security.
  2. Internal Stability:
    • The spread of technology and industry continues to bolster internal economic stability. Notable growth in key cities like Southampton, Portsmouth, and Edinburgh.
    • Public morale remains generally high; however, vigilance against potential unrest due to rapid changes and natural disasters (like the recent earthquake in Edinburgh) is essential.

Technological Advancements:

  1. Research and Development:
    • Significant progress in Refrigeration and Electricity. Impact on food preservation and energy sectors is transformative.
    • Conscription and Industrialization are recent breakthroughs, enhancing military capabilities and industrial efficiency.
  2. Infrastructure:
    • City infrastructure development is robust, with focus on universities, cathedrals, and barracks. This reflects a balanced approach to cultural, educational, and military strength.
    • Expansion of sewer systems in multiple cities to support growing urban populations.

Military Status:

  1. Unit Upgrades and Deployments:
    • Transition from Phalanx to Musketeers, marking a significant upgrade in infantry capabilities.
    • Naval power enhanced with the introduction of Destroyers, replacing older Ironclads and Frigates.
    • Increased presence of Destroyers in key maritime zones for strategic defense and control.
  2. Strategic Developments:
    • Earthquake in Edinburgh resulted in the destruction of Library production; recovery efforts underway.
    • Military vigilance is heightened due to Karelian naval movements near our borders.
    • Recent plague in Aberdeen highlights the need for enhanced medical preparedness and response strategies.


  1. Diplomatic Efforts:
    • Strengthen diplomatic relations with Venezuela and other key nations to foster peace and economic partnerships.
    • Monitor and engage in dialogue with the Karelian Empire to prevent military escalation.
  2. Technological Focus:
    • Prioritize advancements in Combustion and Steel technology to further boost military and industrial capabilities.
    • Invest in research that enhances infrastructure resilience, especially in disaster-prone areas.
  3. Military Preparedness:
    • Continue upgrading military units and fortifying key cities.
    • Maintain a strong naval presence to safeguard trade routes and national borders.


The British Empire is at a pivotal point in its expansion and development. Our diplomatic, technological, and military strategies are proving effective, but vigilance and adaptability are crucial in navigating the rapidly evolving global landscape. Continued focus on strategic alliances, technological innovation, and military preparedness will ensure the Empire’s security and prosperity.

End of Briefing

Prepared by:
Intelligence Officer,
British Empire


Collaborative Future for Tumara Island

Dear Consul Meton of Finland,

In our roles as leaders, we bear the profound responsibility of fostering peace, stability, and the welfare of our people. It is with this sense of duty that I wish to open a dialogue about Tumara Island, a land of rich history and culture, and propose a vision for its future that honors our shared values.

The British Empire, steadfast in its commitment to fostering global harmony, recognizes the deep historical and cultural significance of Tumara Island to the Median people. Our aim is to facilitate the restoration of this cherished land to its rightful guardians, ensuring its prosperity and security under the wise leadership of Milla.

We propose a peaceful integration of Tumara Island into the British Empire. This alliance, envisioned as a partnership, seeks to provide stability and protection for Tumara, while upholding its unique cultural identity. This collaborative approach ensures that the Median people thrive, benefiting from both our support and their rich heritage.

We acknowledge Finland’s presence on the island and the intricate dynamics it presents. Our commitment is to engage in open, constructive, and respectful dialogue, aiming for a resolution that reflects our mutual respect and cooperation.

Our goal is to facilitate this transition through peaceful and diplomatic means, valuing our relationship with Finland and aiming to fortify our bonds of friendship. However, we are equally committed to safeguarding the Median people’s well-being and will take appropriate steps to ensure their security and prosperity.

I invite you to join me in discussions, either through diplomatic engagement or a personal meeting, to explore this proposal further. Together, we can chart a course that respects the Median people’s aspirations and strengthens our nations’ ties.

I eagerly await your response and remain hopeful for a harmonious and constructive outcome.

Warm regards,
Leader of the British Empire