You might have wondered why I haven’t published posts in several weeks… I’m sorry for that. First of all I had some technical problems — my laptop broke down and it was replaced — and then I had lot of work related issues to handle and lot of work to do. I simply had to prioritize to get everything important ready.
However I didn’t stop playing but I guess my busyness might had some effect also on the quality of my playing. Anyway I have now ten cities — which is full amount before unhappiness in Despotism. I have made first diplomatic treaties and we have working tech trade in effect with friendly nations and we have organized it in Google Docs.
I have complete first level of techs (Alphabet, Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial, Horseback Riding, Masonry, Pottery, Warrior Code) and some of the second level techs (Currency, Map Making, Writing).
I try to find more time to write a real journal this weekend.
Also I hope my first exploration ship will make into the header image of this blog soon. It was just put on water and made a small test run!